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Turn Hope into Action: Join My Active Hope Book Group & Free 7-Week Class!


Updated: Jan 31

✨ I’ve been thinking a lot about everything going on in the world lately—it’s a lot, right? Sometimes it feels like there’s so much out of our control, but I recently found something that’s given me a sense of hope and direction.

I’d love for you to join me in a book group reading Active Hope by Joanna Macy and Chris Johnstone. It’s an incredible book about facing the challenges of our time with resilience and creativity. The subtitle alone hooked me: How to Face the Mess We’re In with Unexpected Resilience and Creative Power.

And the best part? There’s a FREE online seven-week class that goes along with it. I’ve read the book and taken the class. It’s helped me move beyond feeling hopeless and given me insights into how we can all play our part in making a positive difference. Here’s the link to learn more:

I’d love to do this together. Let’s come together as a group, share ideas, and figure out how to make a positive difference—even in small ways. Sitting on the sidelines isn’t an option anymore.

If you’re interested, drop a comment below, send me a DM, or email me. Let’s turn hope into action and see what we can create together to pour more love into our world. 💛


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